one last month, I want to show you a new one for this month :)
I'm currently reading Nikki Sixx's "This is going to hurt" book. I read his previous
book "Heroin Diaries" and I liked it. I think that I'm going to like this one even more,
since it's all about photography and his passion for photography.
I love cooking and I'm always excited to discover some new recipes.
I have this cookbook on my book shelf, but didn't really get time yet to try out
some of her recipes. I'm hoping to try at least one recipe this month from her cookbook :)
Can't wait to do at least 2 photo shoots this month! I'm HUNGRY for more
photos and more photo shoots. I'm in a bit of hurry to finnish all of the photo shoots
in next two months and have all the photos ready for my exhibition in November.
Two movies which I haven't seen yet and I would love to very much!
All of my friends loved both parts and they said that they laughed so much
that their stomach hurt afterwards.
Let's hope I'll feel the same stomachache :D
FRESH STRAWBERRIES!!! I've been eating a lot of strawberries and I just
can't get enough of them :P Hopefully I won't get strawberry fever!
SALADS!!! I've been eating salads whole Summer and that felt and still feels so good!
MMMM, nothing better to keep your belly full, but at the same time eat healthy + cool
down your body temperature during the hot Summer weather.
ICE TEA!!! This green ice tea, from this exact brand is my favorite ice tea ever!
When it's super hot outside, I just drink this cold ice tea and I'm in heaven :)
I'm so happy that this month I'll continue with my ballet classes! I'm a ballet
lover and it's this one kind of eternal love that you can't get rid of.
TV SERIES!!! I'm tv series junkie and I can't wait long enough to
get my fave tv series out on dvd. I love to watch them from dvd and not
from the tv straight. I hate to wait, have that 1 week break until the next
episode, so I always watch them from dvd and try to finish all the discs
as soon as possible, because I'm just so addicted to good tv series!
This month, new season of "Brothers&Sisters" and "Desperate Housewives"
are coming out :)
I don't use much make up, most of the time, I don't use any, but
when I do... I'm totally into YSL, at least as of lately.
They have great variety of make up products and they're very
quality ones.
I should definitely clean out my closet this month and make
space for some new clothes for Fall. Also I have like billion small
things laying around all over the bedroom, so I should go through them
too and see if I need any of them at all :P
Same goes for my daughter's bedroom - full of clothes and toys that are small/ old.
Will donate everything she doesn't need anymore.
P.S. How nice are these 2 bedrooms I found on internet? :)
It's going to be my third church wedding anniversary. It's crazy
how time flies by and it's been already 3 years since that day.
I loved every single moment of that day and even tho I have never
even thought/ dreamed about my wedding, I think that my wedding
day was just perfect as it was :)